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  • Quick Heal Antivirus 2010

    Quick Heal Antivirus 2010 | 78 MB

    Quick Heal AntiVirus 2010, with its intuitive and easy-to-use interface, provides hassle-free protection for your system. Once installed it acts as a shield against viruses,worms, trojans, spywares and other malicious threats. It also provides protection against new and unknown viruses using Quick Heal s renowned DNAScan technology,and blocks malicious websites. Quick Heal AntiVirus 2010 is very low on resource usage and gives enhanced protection without slowing down your computer. System Requirements : Platforms

    Windows 2000 Professional
    Windows XP Home/Professional
    Windows XP Professional 64-bit
    Windows Vista Home Premium/Home Basic/Business/Enterprise/Ultimate (32bit and 64-bit)
    Windows 7 Home Premium/Home Basic/Starter/Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate (32-bit and 64-bit).

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