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  • McAfee Encrypted USB 1.2

    McAfee Encrypted USB 1.2 | 285 MB

    Secure USB Storage - Avoid a Moving Liability!

    Today s mobile workforce often carries sensitive corporate data on portable USB drives, unaware of the security risk if the drives are lost or stolen. McAfee Encrypted USB devices keep sensitive data safe and secure, wherever it goes. A variety of Encrypted Device options are available- hard disks range in storage size from 80 GB to 320 GB, while sticks range from 1 GB to 32 GB. Features:

    * Centralized management with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO)
    Extend company-wide security policies to USB drives, ensuring data stored on these devices is protected if they are lost or stolen. Initialize any McAfee Encrypted USB device simply by plugging the device into any McAfee ePO-managed machine with its unique no-touch” initialization capabilities.
    * Standard driverless secure USB storage
    Protect sensitive information on McAfee Encrypted USB storage devices wherever it travels with built-in strong user access controls and data encryption
    * Fast transfer speeds and on-the-fly encryption
    Supports fast USB 2.0 transfer speeds; data is encrypted on-the-fly, with no special training required by the end user
    * Driverless zero footprint technology
    Gain maximum flexibility with encrypted USB storage devices that feature no client footprint; no software installation or administrator s rights are needed
    * Two-factor authentication
    Require employees to use a password and a second form of identification, such as a fingerprint, to access their data on encrypted USB storage devices; a maximum number of authentication retries may be set to counter brute-force attacks
    * Secure token services
    Keep identities secure while enabling McAfee Encrypted USB storage devices to provide corporate and personal credential validation and protection
    * Extensive auditing capabilities.

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